Thursday, January 9, 2014

Life's Leanings #9 Thinking About Thinking

I am a thinker. I think a LOT. And a lot of that LOT is rubbish. 

I also have a tendency to BElieve what I think. 

Much too easily. NOT a good way to play.

I read an email this morning from Courtney Carver. She is brilliant. She has helped me to gently yet firmly THINK about what I am THINKING.

I have been thinking that this is the year, that actually NOW is the Time for me to BE thinking more quietly. 

And to think more of my own thoughts rather than looking for others' corroboration or validation.

I have been thinking that I don't spend enough time really LISTENING to what I am thinking. 

And I think a HUGE reason for this is that I am often thinking what I will SAY instead of noticing where my thought process has gone wandering.

I was in a Very Foul Mood the other day. 

I felt all at loose ends and like I was just fragile. 

I had NOT realised that I was quick, much TOO quick, to BElieve that what I was thinking was so.

Courtney's email shifted that this morning. 

As did sleeping on that foul mood and then spending a day DOing other things, and sleeping on it all again. 

Forgetting it, essentially.

This is what I am leaning into Now. 

The rough edges of myself. 

Sanding myself you might say...

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